So far today has been a big day. Jaxon turned one years old. I can't believe that it was a year ago that we had him. He's getting so big and learning so much. We are so grateful to have him in our family. We haven't had his little party yet so I'll have to post pictures of that a little bit later. The other day I could hear Jaxon but i couldn't find him. Those of you that know where I live know that there's only so many places that he could be. So i looked in his room and he wasn't there I looked in my room he wasn't there. He wasn't in the bathroom or closets. I finally looked behind the entertainment center and there he was. He squeezed him self in between the wall and the entertainment center. I think I'm going to have my hands full with this boy. We love you Jaxon and happy birthday.
Also today Jaden went number 2 in the toilet. I'm so proud of him he is almost 4 years old and still not potty trained. This morning I knew that he had to go poop because he went and hid behind the couch. so I said "lets go on the potty" he cried and didn't want to but i made him. I finally got him to calm down. he only sat there for about 5 min and then he was like "I did it" I was so HAPPY I hope that this means were one step closer to him being potty trained. So good job JADEN!!!
10 years ago
Yeah! For both your boys! I can never remember Jaxon's exact birth date, Jaden's is so much easier for me to remember. The 18th like Kennady's. Anyways, Happy Birthday little J! When is his party going to be? We went to the Angel's stadium in Anaheim for the game, it was way fun! Jana just got back on Saturday. She went home for a wedding and stayed a month...Sat by the pool with friends, went to Lake Powell...You know Jana. We started job hunting again today. I guess we'll see what she ends up doing, you never know with her. It's nice for me to have her here though so I'll enjoy it while it lasts:)
Jaden looks pretty proud of himself too! I like the picture of your boys on the couch...Jaxon is just about Jaden's size!
Your boys on the chair are sooo cute!!
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