Well I don't really have anything to say I'm just bored. I've already checked my facebook,e-mail,and Iron County bookings so I guess I'll give an update. Oh for anyone wondering what the Iron County bookings is well Its a site that I'm obsessed with It shows you all the people that got arrested in Iron County it has the mug shot, and what they did and there bail and all that. I really like it because it has alot of people on it that shop at smiths. So I like to see who's a thief and who might write a bad check. Oh and every once in a while there's employee's on there that's always interesting. Anyways so as for my update I'm pretty boring I really have nothing exciting to say about my self. Brandon just finished his last day of rehab today so that's exciting were proud of him. Its been a long 6 months but I know it will be worth it in the end. So he'll be needing a job in about a week if anyone knows of anything please let us know. Jaden is doing good in school we had kind of a crappy start but things are good now. He also lost his first tooth so that was kind of exciting Both of the boys have been on a swearing kick lately I don't know where its coming from. I don't use foul language and Brandon's not here that much only on weekends. So I'm blaming it on School and daycare. Jaden got a part for the primary program so the first day he got it I bugged him all day to say his part. he got it memorized But he's pretty sick of me asking him to "say his part" So the other day I said "Jaden say your part" and he said "WE PRAY DAILY FOR THE PROPHET, FOR G**D'S SAKE!" So yeah I haven't really been asking him to say his part since then. Anyways Jaxon is still a handful I was thinking that when he turned 3 our terrible 2's would be over. Hum.... I'm trying to think of something cute or funny that he's done and I have nothing. Well I guess if you think that writing all over the walls, getting into the eggs and throwing them on the patio,squirting out all the shampoo and soap in the tub, asking me if fawk is a bad word,spraying a can of hairspray through out the house,climbing in the sink and spraying water all over. is funny well then I guess I'm glad that someone thinks its funny. He was a pretty cute Mario for Halloween though he wasn't very happy when it was time to put his costume on so I only got like one picture of him. But they had a fun Halloween we had a party with my family and then did a little trick or treating. And that brings me up to date I guess. here's some random pictures for ya. Oh yeah and I am aware that my title has absolutely nothing to do with my post. I just thought I would use one of the "Labels for this post" I guess I better go Jaxon is throwing the couch cushions off. (surprise surprise)
10 years ago